What are the health benefits of the Black Trumpet? Discover in this short article, what are the advantages of consuming it!

Health Benefits Of The Black Trumpet
The black trumpet is a delicacy! It is a delicious mushroom with a smoky taste! You can prepare it in sauce, with pasta, with a stew… Everything is possible! But did you also know that this mushroom has many benefits for your body?
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Health Benefit N°1: The Black Trumpet Is Low In Calories.
The trumpets of death are not at all caloric, it is one of their virtues! Like the majority of mushrooms, the quantity of calories (kcal) is limited and hardly exceeds 20 kcal/100g.
So it’s the perfect food for losing weight! Nevertheless, do not prepare them with too much fat, because mushrooms are real fat sponges! So be careful not to ruin their benefits!
Health Benefit N°2: It Contains Proteins.
The trumpets of death, as surprising as it may seem, contain several grams of protein per 100 g. An often overlooked benefit!
Health Benefit N°3: It Is Rich In Minerals
The Black Trumpet is also very rich in minerals! This easily covers the phosphorus, potassium and iron needs!
Health Benefit N°4: With Many Vitamins
Finally, the Black Trumpet contains many vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin K. The first is good for bone building while the second allows a good blood balance.
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