Do King Boletes Turn Blue?

A Bolete that turns blue, so here it's not a King Bolete.
A Bolete that turns blue, so here it's not a King Bolete.

Do king boletes stain blue? Have you picked up a King Bolete, but it turns blue and you’re wondering if it’s really a Porcini? You are in the right place !

Follow the guide! We explain everything you need to know!

A Bolete that turns blue, so here it's not a King Bolete.
A Bolete that turns blue, so here it’s not a King Bolete.

My King Bolete Turns Blue.

Let’s cut to the chase: if your King Bolete turns blue when cut or touched, or if it turns blue in general, then it’s not a King Bolete!

Among the 3 porcini (King Bolete, Spring King Bolete, Queen Bolete) none turns blue! If your King Bolete stains blue, it’s not a porcini, but certainly another type of bolete!

Besides, a King Bolete never changes color. Its flesh remains white. The only color changes you can observe are related to the aging of the tubes (under the cap) over the days. This will change from a creamy white to an olive green.

You may notice a slight pinking under the cuticle of the cap of your King Bolete. But that’s all !

In short, it is impossible for your King Bolete to turn blue or green when you handle it or cut it!

So what you picked isn’t a King Bolete. On the other hand, if you want to know where the best King Boletes spots are in your region, do not hesitate to check our regional maps of porcini mushrooms and chanterelles!

Are Blue Staining King Boletes Poisonous?

As said before, if it turns blue, then it’s simply not a King Bolete!

To know the exact species, you have to use many criteria. And the color change criterion is simply not enough to accurately determine the species of your bolete.

Therefore, nothing can be said about the edibility of your bolete from this information alone.

Find Out Where To Look For Porcini Mushrooms!

If you want to find real king boletes (porcini), nothing could be simpler: Check our Mushroom Maps available here! Have fun! We only live once!

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