The temperature can help you predict the fruiting of morels. However, what are the indicators to watch? Find out all about it in our article!

The Right Temperature For Morels
Soil Temperature For Morels
According to this Researchgate article, the ideal soil temperature for Fruiting must be at least 50 °F for several days. Other articles, less sourced, offer a temperature between 45° F and 50° F.
Air Temperature For Morels
Some documents on the cultivation of morels give a temperature around 63 °F during the day and above 40 °F at night for fruiting.
Should We Follow These Temperatures To The Letter?
Yes and no. Yes, because these are interesting indicators that can help you understand orders of magnitude. However, these indications do not take into account the type of morel, the nature of the soil and therefore its thermal conductivity, the depth at which the temperature must be measured, other phenomena that affect fruiting…
What Temperature Is Too Cold Or Too Hot For Morels?
These temperatures can effectively stop the growth of morels, or even kill them!
32°F is too cold for morels to grow. Indeed, the humidity will be less available and this temperature risks destroying the cells of the morels, which are mainly composed of water! Thus, if the morel is at the primordia stage (baby morel) then it cans kill the morel.
Nevertheless, we can’t really say that a temperature is too hot for morels. Indeed, if the weather is wet then high temperatures are never a problem at this time of the year. On the other hand, if the temperatures are high and it does not rain, then the morels are likely to dry up on the spot and therefore die.
Is It Useful To Use A Ground Temperature Map?
Yes, it can provide general trends. However, these maps aren’t accurate enough to really tell you when to go hunting for morels!
It’s better to use other strategies to know when it’s the right moment to go hunting for morels.
What Alternatives To Temperature?
One way to know when it’s time to go for morels is to observe the evolution of wild plants and flowers. Thus, from year to year, you will be able to spot the right clues to know when it is the right time thanks to the evolution of the plants that surround your spots.
Another method can be to follow social media posts, especially those from your state. When you see their frequency increasing, then you know it’s a good time to go out in the woods!
Find Morel Mushrooms With Our Maps !
The temperature is not the only element to take into account, there are also species, elevation, slope… All these elements are grouped together on our maps and allow you to know very clearly where are the best morel spots in your region. Explore our Morel Mushroom Maps here!
If you want to learn more about the different things to consider when looking for morels, check out our dedicated article on finding morels.
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