You want to find puffball mushrooms but you don’t know exactly where to look?
But guess what? If you want to learn how to hunt for Giant Puffballs (Calvatia Gigantea) you have come to the right place.
Learn with us how to properly forage Giant Puffballs!

What Do We Call A Giant Puffball?
Also known as Calvatia Gigantea or Giant Puffball mushroom. Not to be confused with another Puffball (Lycoperdon Perlatum) which is not exactly the same mushroom.
Puffballs often discharge their spores when small animals or rain collide with the peridium. When this occurs, the spores are ejected in the form of a cloud, like a puff of smoke.
How long does a Giant Puffball mushroom take to grow?
From its fruiting, we recommend that you wait between ten and twenty days before harvesting it. It should not be picked too old.
Puffballs have several benefits and it is particularly a good source of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and a range of micronutrients, according to nutritional studies.
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Where Do Giant Puffballs Grow Best?
The following are US states in which we can find Giant puffball mushrooms. These have been listed from the best locations to find these mushrooms, to the worst: Vermont, Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Mississippi, Alaska, Ohio, Iowa, Montana, Minnesota, Oregon, New Hampshire, Arkansas, South Carolina, Illinois, Washington, Connecticut, Missouri, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Kentucky, Virginia, Delaware, Nebraska, Alabama, Maryland, New York, Tennessee, Rhode Island, Colorado, Georgia, Louisiane, Utah
As for the UK, you can find them all over the country!
Where To Find Puffball Mushrooms?
In most areas, Giant Puffballs (Calvatia Gigantea) are the largest and most frequent form of Puffballs. They may be found all over North America.
They are occasionally found in the deciduous woods, but they are more likely to live in wide, lush meadows and pastures, on nutrient-rich wasteland.
What Time Of Year Do Puffballs Grow?
You can go Giant Puffball hunting in late summer and autumn.
From our observations. The best time to go is between mid-September and mid-October.
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What To Remember From This Article
- There are several kinds of Puffball : Calvatia Gigantea, Calbovista, Lycoperdon…
- You can find the Giant Puffball on the ground, on nutrient-rich soils.
- The best moment to forage Puffballs is between mid-September and mid-October.
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