Want to go mushroom hunting, but not sure which mushroom basket or bag to choose?
Choose the perfect mushroom basket or bag for you! Let’s go !

First of all, there is no hard and fast rule regarding the type of container you can transport your mushrooms in, but reading what other mushroom hunters are doing is a good way to avoid reinventing the wheel!
Next, note that the terms “mushroom basket”, “mushroom bag”, “mushroom basket bag”, “mushroom foraging bag” and “mushroom hunting backpack” are all standard terms for this picker accessory.
What Is The Purpose Of Your Mushroom Container?
If your goal is to make a big harvest of mushrooms, then it is clear that you will have to opt for a container with a fairly conventional shape. Your mushroom picking bag should have a vertical rectangle shape.
On the other hand, if you want to collect specimens to study them at home, then you will have to favor a flat container like a mushroom foraging basket, so that the mushrooms do not mix and get damaged.
So, if you want to harvest mushrooms, the most practical format is a vertical and elongated container. If you want to harvest mushrooms to observe them then your container will have to be flat.
What Mushrooms Will You Collect?
If you harvest heavy or fragile mushrooms then you must limit the height of your mushroom hunting bag because they risk being damaged quickly under the effect of the weight. Thus, it will be necessary to favor a flat container.
However, if you harvest strong and/or light mushrooms, then you can easily stack them in your container. For example, chanterelles or morels can be stacked in a bag without too much trouble.
What Distances?
Will you be hiking for long hours or is it a short outing in known areas?
If you travel a long distance, then prefer a mushroom hunting backpack instead! Indeed, it will be much more convenient to walk over long distances.
If you go to a small forest that you already know, and you walk short distances. Then a basket will do just fine!
What Price?
Finally, the price is an important subject. Basically, if you want to go mushroom hunting often then we recommend investing in a sturdy, good quality mushroom picking bag!
On the other hand, if you only go mushrooms hunting a few times a year, then any container will do the job!
Find Mushrooms With Our Maps !
You don’t know where to find the best spots for morels or porcini mushrooms? Our maps are made for you! These allow you to quickly know which are the best places to find many edible mushrooms!
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